test for driver

décembre 2007 modifié dans Archives (Général)
Goldie j'ai trouver cà sur un autre forum:


Name: ___________________ Stage Name:__________________
Agent: ___________________ Attorney:____________________ Therapist's Name: _________________

Sex: [ ] Male [ ] Female*
[ ] Formerly Male* [ ] Formerly Female [ ] Both

*If female, indicate breast size: _______
Will the size of your breasts hinder your ability to safely operate a motor vehicle in any way?
[ ] Yes [ ] No

Please list brand of cell phone: ________.
If you don't own a cell phone, please explain why you don't:
(Use extra pages, as necessary)

Please check hair color:
Males: [ ] Black [ ] Blond [ ] Gray [ ] Bald
Females: [ ] Blonde [ ] Platinum Blonde [ ] Bald
Teenagers: [ ] Red [ ] Orange [ ] Green [ ] Purple [ ] Blue
[ ] Skinhead [ ] Other ___________

Please check activities you perform while driving: (Check all that

[ ] Eating
[ ] Drinking Starbucks coffee
[ ] Applying make-up
[ ] Shaving (male or female)
[X] Talking on the phone (already checked for your convenience)
[ ] Lifting weights
[ ] Slapping kids in the back-seat
[ ] Applying cellulite treatment to thighs
[ ] Tanning
[ ] Watching TV
[ ] Reading Variety
[ ] Surfing the net via laptop
[ ] Discharging firearms / reloading

( ) grooming your cavalier

Please indicate how many times, while driving, you expect to:
[ ] a) Shoot at other drivers _____
[ ] b) Be shot at _____

If you are the victim of a carjacking, you should immediately:
[ ] a) Call the police to report the crime.
[ ] b) Call Channel 4 News to report the crime, then watch your car on the news in a high-speed chase.
[ ] c) Call your attorney and discuss lawsuit against cellular phone company for your 911 call not going through.
[ ] d) Call your therapist.

In the event of an earthquake, you should:
[ ] a) Stop your car.
[ ] b) Keep driving and hope for the best.
[ ] c) Immediately use your cell phone to call all loved ones.
[ ] d) Pull out your video camera and obtain footage for Channel 4.

In the instance of rain, you should:
[ ] a) Never drive over 5 MPH.
[ ] b) Drive twice as fast as usual.
[ ] c) You're not sure what "rain" is.

Please indicate your current number of therapy sessions per week:

How many of the following medications Are you presently taking ?
a) Prozac [ ]
b) Zovirax [ ]
c) Lithium [ ]
d) Zanax [ ]
e) Valium [ ]
f) Medical pot [ ]
g) Zoloft [ ]
h) All of the above [ ]
i) None of the above* [ ]

* If none, please explain: __________________.

Length of daily commute:
[ ] a) Less than 1 hour*
[ ] b) 1 hour
[ ] c) 2 hours
[ ] d) 3 hours
[ ] e) 4 hours or more

* If less than 1 hour, please explain:____________________.

When stopped by police, you should:
[ ] a) Pull over and have your driver's licence and insurance form ready.
[ ] b) Try to outrun them by driving the wrong way on the freeway.
[ ] c) Have your video camera ready and provoke them to attack, thus ensuring yourself of a hefty lawsuit profit.

Which part of your car will wear out first?
[ ] a) The wiper blades
[ ] b) The seat belts
[ ] c) The horn

Automatic door locks are good for:
[ ] a) Security
[ ] b) Convenience
[ ] c) Messing with the heads of people trying to get in.

The "bright" setting on your headlights is for:
[ ] a) Dark, poorly lit roads
[ ] b) Flashing to get the car ahead to move out of the way
[ ] c) Revenge

Thank you for completing the California Driving Exam.

Je vois que tu as tout passé ces test :lol: car tu as ton permis de conduire :lol: :lol: sans rancune :D


  • LOL....ca prouve qu'ils ne donnent pas le permis a n'importe qui....Super drole ta trouvaille!

    t'as de la chance que je sois de bonne humeur aujourd'hui...... :P

    RIP Amanda et Jean-Pierre
  • :D Goldie je suis d'accord avec toi,je t'ai vu manoeuvrer ta moto,lors de notre randonnée, et je puis te dire que ton permis, tu ne l'as pas volé.Je peux même te dire, que si je n'avais pas une moto plus puissante que la tienne, eh bien j'aurais été derrière toi et tu aurais mené le bal à l'avant.En tout les cas avec ta prochaine moto,je ne me risquerai pas à te lancer un défi :D
  • :D J'espere bien que la prochaine fois que tu viendras me voir je l'aurais ma nouvelle moto!!

    RIP Amanda et Jean-Pierre
  • Je te le souhaite sincèrement.Merci pour ta carte,je l'ai recu hierimage .
  • :D

    RIP Amanda et Jean-Pierre

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